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Les Mémoires
Angie Bowman My Dad March 13, 2012
Hi Dad, and anyone else reading this..
             I just wanted to point out the fact that even though you weren't rich and you didn't have alot of things, you were still always my number one guy and I always looked up to you. You never lied, you were hardly every mad-infact you would be the one to boost someone elses mood. You gave me silly nicknames like Angwina and Angwinky..where you came up with them I'll never know but I love that about you. Lilly and I were talking about you last night and she said "mom, member how my grandpa used to call me Lillage? You know mom,he called me Lillage from the village". There truly was no one in the world like you dad! You were great at playing horse shoes, showing your love, posing like elvis when you farted! ;) And this is how I remember my daddy! When I was young you took me everywhere you went. It didn't matter if you were going to the store or to visit a friend, It was always me and you. I have a broken heart and I don't understand why you had to leave so soon, but I must remind myself that you feel no more pain and you are up above with grandpa and all your friends. I love you Daddy! I promise to talk to you everyday and to tell your grandbabies all the good times we shared.
jodie hayes r.i.p March 13, 2012
i have some very fond memories of you. you always had a smile on your face. you lived your life to its fullest made every one laugh you were awesome benny benny. you will always be in our hearts and greatly missed.
Libby Chappell Friends March 13, 2012
I remember when I was out of town in SC. and called home to talk to Jim, only to hear your voice Ben anwser our phone. You and Jim were hanging out for the night and you brought your dog who was about to give birth to her puppies on my bed you promised.hahhah you were so funny. also so funny. one of the most kindest people i've ever known. we didnt get to say goodbye so its til we met again Bancroft:)xoxox
Amanda Vaughn March 12, 2012
Memories... I can't believe the brain can hold so many, too many to mention them all.  I have so many great memories of the summers I spent at your house just being a kid with my wonderful cousins.
Bruce Lindblom Memories March 12, 2012
We were not all that close but I remember going to a concert at the Rock Saloon with Ben, Ron and Cindy, when she was pregnant with Tiffany.   Cindy could not last the entire concert because of pregnancy problems, but we still had a good a time. Then there were the few times at the farm and horsing around in the Barn with Uncle Dave. Oh and drinking pure cows milk that still had lumps of cream in it. 

R.I.P Ben
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